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时间: 2024-09-29 00:46:57


“sinuate” 这个词的意思是“弯曲”或“蜿蜒”。下面是一些使用“sinuate”的例句及其中文解释:

1. The path sinuates through the dense forest, making the hike both scenic and challenging.

- 小路在密林中蜿蜒曲折,使得徒步旅行既风景优美又富有挑战性。

2. The river sinuates along the valley, creating a picturesque landscape.

- 河流在山谷中蜿蜒流动,形成了一幅如画的风景。

3. The designer's new dress features a sinuated hemline that adds elegance to the garment.

- 设计师的新裙子具有一个蜿蜒的下摆,增加了衣物的优雅感。

4. The road sinuates up the mountain, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

- 这条公路蜿蜒向上延伸至山顶,提供了周围景色的壮丽视角。

5. The artist painted the river sinuating through the rolling hills in his landscape masterpiece.

- 艺术家在他的风景画作中描绘了蜿蜒穿过起伏山丘的河流。

6. The snake sinuates through the grass, barely visible to the eye.

- 蛇在草地中蜿蜒前行,几乎看不见。

7. The sinuate lines on the shell of the snail help it blend into its surroundings.

- 蜗牛壳上的蜿蜒线条帮助它融入周围环境。

8. The architect designed the building with sinuated curves to break the monotony of straight lines.

- 建筑师设计了带有蜿蜒曲线的建筑,以打破直线的单调。

9. The stream sinuates through the meadow, providing a natural habitat for local wildlife.

- 小溪在草地中蜿蜒流动,为当地野生动物提供了自然栖息地。

10. The artist’s technique involves sinuating patterns that create a sense of movement on the canvas.

- 艺术家的技法涉及蜿蜒的图案,这些图案在画布上创造了一种动感。

11. The sinuate design of the sculpture catches the light at various angles, enhancing its visual appeal.

- 雕塑的蜿蜒设计在不同的角度下折射光线,增强了其视觉吸引力。

12. The mountain trail sinuates through the rugged terrain, making it a challenging hike.

- 山径在崎岖地形中蜿蜒,令徒步旅行充满挑战。

13. The sinuated path along the cliff offers breathtaking views of the ocean below.

- 沿悬崖蜿蜒的小径提供了俯瞰海洋的令人叹为观止的景色。

14. The sinuate pattern on the ancient artifact was indicative of its cultural significance.

- 古代文物上的蜿蜒图案表明了其文化意义。

15. The sinuating movements of the dancer captivated the audience with their grace.

- 舞者的蜿蜒动作以优雅的姿态吸引了观众。

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