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时间: 2024-09-29 00:53:42



1. The jet plane produced a sonic boom as it broke the sound barrier.(喷气飞机突破音障时产生了音爆。)

2. Sonic vibrations can be used for cleaning delicate instruments.(声波振动可以用于清洁精密仪器。)

3. The new toothbrush promises sonic technology for a deeper clean.(这款新牙刷承诺采用声波技术,能够更深层次地清洁。)

4. Sonic frequencies are beyond the range of human hearing.(声波频率超出了人类听觉范围。)

5. The concert hall was designed to enhance sonic clarity.(这个音乐厅的设计旨在增强声音的清晰度。)

6. Sonic waves can be used in medical imaging techniques.(声波可以用于医学成像技术。)

7. The sonic screwdriver is a fictional tool in the "Doctor Who" series.(声波螺丝刀是《神秘博士》系列中的虚构工具。)

8. The submarine uses sonic technology for navigation underwater.(潜艇使用声波技术进行水下导航。)

9. Sonic devices can be used to deter pests from gardens.(声波设备可以用来驱赶花园里的害虫。)

10. He adjusted the sonic settings on his stereo for optimal sound quality.(他调整了立体声系统的声波设置,以获得最佳音质。)

11. The sonic waves helped break up the kidney stones.(声波帮助分解了肾结石。)

12. The sonic boom startled the residents nearby.(声爆吓到了附近的居民。)

13. Sonic technology has revolutionized the field of dentistry.(声波技术已经彻底改变了牙科领域。)

14. They used sonic weapons to disperse the crowd.(他们使用声波武器驱散了人群。)

15. Sonic branding aims to create recognizable audio signatures for brands.(声音品牌定位旨在为品牌创建可识别的音频标识。)


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