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时间: 2024-09-29 00:52:22


Certainly! "Dissonance" refers to a lack of harmony or a discordant relationship between things. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The dissonance between his words and actions confused everyone. (他言行不一的行为让所有人感到困惑。)

2. The dissonance in their opinions prevented them from reaching a consensus. (他们意见不一致的差异阻碍了达成一致。)

3. The dissonance of the clashing colors hurt her eyes. (颜色搭配不和谐让她眼睛不适。)

4. There was a dissonance in the orchestra's performance that evening. (乐团那晚的演奏有些不和谐。)

5. The dissonance between tradition and modernity is a central theme in his novels. (传统与现代之间的不和谐是他小说的中心主题。)

6. Her dissonant laughter echoed through the empty hallways. (她尖锐的笑声在空荡荡的走廊里回荡。)

7. The dissonance of conflicting emotions overwhelmed him. (矛盾情感的不和谐让他感到不知所措。)

8. The dissonance between theory and practice became apparent during the experiment. (理论与实践之间的不和谐在实验中显露出来。)

9. His dissonant guitar playing added an unexpected twist to the song. (他刺耳的吉他演奏为这首歌曲增添了意想不到的变化。)

10. The dissonance of their political beliefs strained their friendship. (政治信仰上的不和谐使得他们的友谊紧张起来。)

11. The dissonance between what she wanted and what was possible was frustrating. (她期望的与实际可能的不和谐让她感到沮丧。)

12. The dissonance in the decision-making process led to delays in the project. (决策过程中的不和谐导致了项目的延迟。)

13. The dissonance between rich and poor is a pressing issue in society. (贫富之间的不和谐是社会上一个紧迫的问题。)

14. The dissonance of the jumbled voices made it hard to understand what was being said. (混乱的声音使得人们很难理解正在说什么。)

15. The dissonance between her upbringing and her current lifestyle was evident. (她的成长背景与现在的生活方式之间的不和谐显而易见。)


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