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时间: 2024-09-29 00:56:26


当然,请看以下关于 "consonant" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The word "cat" starts with a consonant sound.(“cat”这个词以辅音开头。)

2. He found it difficult to pronounce certain consonants in English.(他发现在英语中发音某些辅音很困难。)

3. In the word "street," "s," "t," and "r" are consonants.(在单词“street”中,“s”,“t”,和“r”都是辅音。)

4. Learning the consonant sounds is essential for mastering pronunciation.(学习辅音音素对于掌握发音至关重要。)

5. The child's speech therapist focused on correcting his consonant sounds.(孩子的语音治疗师专注于纠正他的辅音发音。)

6. Some languages have more complex consonant clusters than others.(有些语言的辅音聚集比其他语言更复杂。)

7. The phonetics class covers both vowel and consonant articulation.(音韵学课程涵盖了元音和辅音的发音技巧。)

8. The consonant "b" can sometimes sound like "v" depending on its position in a word.(辅音“b”有时候根据它在单词中的位置可能听起来像“v”。)

9. In Old English, the consonant "thorn" represented the "th" sound.(在古英语中,“thorn”这个辅音代表了“th”的音。)

10. Different languages have varying numbers of consonant phonemes.(不同语言有不同数量的辅音音素。)

11. The student's essay was consonant with the professor's expectations.(学生的论文与教授的期望是一致的。)

12. The novel's theme was consonant with the author's previous works.(这部小说的主题与作者之前的作品是一致的。)

13. His actions were not consonant with his words.(他的行动与他的言论不一致。)

14. The principles of democracy are consonant with the values of freedom and equality.(民主的原则与自由和平等的价值观是一致的。)

15. The company's policies are consonant with its commitment to environmental sustainability.(公司的政策与其对环境可持续性的承诺是一致的。)

希望这些例句能够帮助你理解 "consonant" 这个词的用法!

上一个 【英语】dissonant的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】consonance的例句



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