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时间: 2024-09-29 00:56:56



1. The poem's use of consonance created a soothing rhythm that echoed the gentle lapping of waves on the shore. (这首诗中的辅音韵律营造出一种舒缓的节奏,回荡着海浪轻轻拍打的声音。)

2. The playwright employed consonance to underscore the theme of unity among diverse characters. (剧作家运用辅音韵律来强调不同角色之间的团结主题。)

3. The composer used consonance to evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing in the symphony. (作曲家运用辅音韵律在交响乐中唤起一种怀旧和渴望的感觉。)

4. The repetition of consonant sounds in the novel's title added to its memorable quality. (小说标题中辅音音素的重复增加了它的记忆性。)

5. The advertisement's slogan relied on consonance to make it catchy and easy to remember. (广告口号依靠辅音韵律使其富有吸引力且易于记忆。)

6. In his speech, the politician used consonance to emphasize key points and unify his message. (政治家在演讲中运用辅音韵律来强调关键点并统一他的讯息。)

7. The song's lyrics employed consonance to create a sense of harmony and completeness. (歌曲的歌词运用辅音韵律营造出和谐和完整感。)

8. The poem's use of consonance mirrored the steady beat of a heart, reinforcing its emotional impact. (这首诗中的辅音韵律反映了心脏稳定的跳动,增强了它的情感冲击力。)

9. The novelist's skillful use of consonance enhanced the lyrical quality of her prose. (小说家巧妙地运用辅音韵律增强了她散文的抒情质感。)

10. The advertising campaign relied on consonance to create a memorable and impactful slogan. (广告活动依赖辅音韵律创造出一个令人难忘和有影响力的口号。)

11. The playwright's subtle use of consonance underscored the tension between the characters. (剧作家微妙地运用辅音韵律突显了角色之间的紧张关系。)

12. The poet's mastery of consonance added depth and richness to her verses. (诗人对辅音韵律的掌握为她的诗句增添了深度和丰富性。)

13. The composer's use of consonance and dissonance created a complex emotional landscape in the symphony. (作曲家运用辅音韵律和不协和音在交响乐中营造出一个复杂的情感景观。)

14. The speechwriter used consonance to make the speech flow smoothly and resonate with the audience. (演讲撰稿人运用辅音韵律使演讲流畅并引起听众共鸣。)

15. The novelist's deliberate use of consonance contributed to the novel's overall coherence and thematic resonance. (小说家刻意运用辅音韵律增强了小说的整体连贯性和主题共鸣。)


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