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时间: 2024-09-29 00:42:47


Certainly! "Specious" 是一个形容词,意思是看似有理但实际上是错误或误导的。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. His argument was specious, seeming logical at first glance but falling apart under scrutiny. (他的论点看似有理,在初看时逻辑性很强,但在仔细审查后不攻自破。)

2. The specious reasoning behind their decision fooled many people into agreeing. (他们决定背后的似是而非的推理使许多人误以为是正确的。)

3. She made a specious claim that she had not received the email, although records showed otherwise. (尽管记录显示不然,她却假称自己未收到邮件。)

4. The company used specious statistics to support their product's effectiveness. (该公司使用了似是而非的统计数据来支持其产品的有效性。)

5. His apology seemed specious, lacking genuine remorse. (他的道歉显得虚假,缺乏真诚的懊悔之情。)

6. The report was dismissed for its specious conclusions that were not backed by solid evidence. (这份报告因其似是而非的结论而被驳回,这些结论缺乏实质性的证据支持。)

7. The defense lawyer made a specious argument, attempting to divert attention from the central issue. (辩护律师提出了一个似是而非的论点,试图转移对核心问题的关注。)

8. Her specious promise to help was quickly forgotten when the time came to act. (当行动的时候,她那虚假的帮助承诺很快被遗忘了。)

9. The specious reasoning in the article misled readers into drawing incorrect conclusions. (文章中的似是而非的推理误导了读者,使他们得出了错误的结论。)

10. His specious charm won him many supporters, despite his lack of genuine qualifications. (尽管他缺乏真正的资格,但他那虚伪的魅力却赢得了许多支持者。)

11. The specious excuse for being late did not convince anyone. (他那虚假的迟到借口并没有说服任何人。)

12. Their friendship was based on specious grounds and did not last long. (他们的友谊建立在虚假的基础上,并未持续太久。)

13. The specious logic used in the advertisement misled consumers into buying an ineffective product. (广告中使用的似是而非的逻辑误导了消费者,使他们购买了一种无效的产品。)

14. He made a specious argument about why he should get a raise, but his performance did not support it. (他对自己为何应该加薪的论据似是而非,但他的表现并不支持这一点。)

15. The specious nature of his claims became evident once people started questioning the details. (一旦人们开始质疑细节,他那虚假的主张本质就显而易见了。)


上一个 【英语】conspecific的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】circumspection的例句



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