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时间: 2024-09-10 06:07:08



1. She detests having to get up early in the morning. 她讨厌早上起床。

2. He detests people who are insincere. 他讨厌虚伪的人。

3. They detest each other's political views. 他们彼此厌恶对方的政治观点。

4. The smell of fish makes her detest seafood. 鱼的气味使她讨厌海鲜。

5. I absolutely detest waiting in long lines. 我非常讨厌在长队伍中等待。

6. She detests cleaning the bathroom. 她讨厌打扫浴室。

7. He detests any form of discrimination. 他厌恶任何形式的歧视。

8. They detest the new manager's strict policies. 他们讨厌新经理的严格政策。

9. The children detest having to eat their vegetables. 孩子们讨厌被逼吃蔬菜。

10. She detests the noise of construction outside her window. 她讨厌窗外建筑的噪音。

11. He detests having to work overtime every week. 他讨厌每周都要加班。

12. They detest the way the media distorts the truth. 他们讨厌媒体歪曲事实的方式。

13. She detests people who don't respect personal space. 她讨厌不尊重个人空间的人。

14. He detests the taste of coffee. 他讨厌咖啡的味道。

15. They detest the idea of leaving their hometown. 他们讨厌离开自己的家乡的想法。


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