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时间: 2024-09-17 13:03:58



1. He used a minor issue as a pretext to leave the meeting early. (他利用一个小问题作为借口提前离开会议。)

2. The invasion was launched under the pretext of restoring order. (入侵行动以恢复秩序为借口发动。)

3. She borrowed money from him under the pretext of needing it for urgent medical expenses. (她以急需支付医疗费用为借口向他借钱。)

4. The new policy was implemented under the pretext of improving customer service. (新政策以改善客户服务为借口实施。)

5. He avoided the party under the pretext of being ill. (他以生病为借口避开了聚会。)

6. They attacked the village under the pretext that insurgents were hiding there. (他们以叛乱分子藏匿于此为借口袭击了村庄。)

7. She declined the invitation under the pretext of having prior commitments. (她以有先前的安排为借口拒绝了邀请。)

8. The company fired him under the pretext of restructuring. (公司以重组为借口解雇了他。)

9. He borrowed her car under the pretext of needing it for a short trip. (他以需要短途旅行为借口借了她的车。)

10. The politician resigned under the pretext of personal reasons. (那位政治家以个人原因为借口辞职了。)

11. The landlord raised the rent under the pretext of rising property taxes. (房东以不动产税上涨为借口提高了房租。)

12. They delayed the project under the pretext of waiting for more information. (他们以等待更多信息为借口推迟了项目。)

13. The rebels captured the town under the pretext of liberating it from tyranny. (叛军以解放该城市免受暴政为借口占领了该镇。)

14. She canceled the appointment under the pretext of a sudden family emergency. (她以突发家庭紧急情况为借口取消了约会。)

15. He declined the offer under the pretext of already having accepted another job. (他以已经接受了另一份工作为借口拒绝了这个提议。)


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