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时间: 2024-09-10 04:07:57


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "parenthesis" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Please remember to put the definition of each term in parentheses after the term itself. (请记得在每个术语后面用括号把其定义写上。)

2. The author inserted a humorous remark in parentheses to lighten the tone of the article. (作者在括号内插入了一个幽默的评论,以缓和文章的语气。)

3. He added a note in parentheses about the sources of his research. (他在括号内加了一条关于研究来源的注释。)

4. The additional clause in parentheses clarifies the exceptions to the rule. (括号中的额外条款说明了规则的例外情况。)

5. The phone number was written in parentheses at the bottom of the page. (电话号码被写在页面底部的括号内。)

6. She wrote her comment in parentheses at the end of the email. (她在电子邮件末尾用括号写下了她的评论。)

7. The abbreviation for the company was provided in parentheses next to its full name. (公司的缩写在其全名旁边用括号提供了。)

8. The mathematician used parentheses to group the terms correctly in the equation. (数学家使用括号在方程中正确地分组术语。)

9. The legal document included a clause in parentheses that exempted certain liabilities. (法律文件中包含了一个免责条款,用括号标明。)

10. The speaker clarified her statement with an aside in parentheses. (演讲者在括号内作了一个旁白,澄清了她的声明。)

11. The editor suggested placing the translation in parentheses after each foreign phrase. (编辑建议在每个外语短语后面用括号标注翻译。)

12. The book included pronunciation guides in parentheses next to difficult words. (这本书在难词旁边用括号标注了发音指南。)

13. The footnote contained additional details in parentheses for further reference. (脚注中用括号包含了额外的细节,以供进一步参考。)

14. In programming, parentheses are used to indicate the order of operations. (在编程中,括号用来指示操作的顺序。)

15. The instructor emphasized the importance of using parentheses correctly in mathematical expressions. (教师强调了在数学表达式中正确使用括号的重要性。)


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