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时间: 2024-09-17 14:08:36


Certainly! "Apotheosis" refers to the elevation of someone to divine status or the highest point of development. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His remarkable achievements in science led to his apotheosis as a visionary in the field. (他在科学上的显著成就使他在该领域成为一个有远见的人物。)

2. The artist's final masterpiece was seen as the apotheosis of his career. (这位艺术家的最后杰作被视为他职业生涯的顶峰。)

3. The leader's apotheosis occurred after he led his country through a period of unprecedented economic growth. (领导人在带领国家经历了前所未有的经济增长后达到了顶峰。)

4. The character's apotheosis from humble beginnings to a powerful ruler captivated the audience. (这个角色从平凡的开始到成为一个强大的统治者的顶峰吸引了观众。)

5. The book's apotheosis came when it was awarded the prestigious literary prize. (这本书因获得了声望高的文学奖项而达到了顶峰。)

6. The play's apotheosis was its final act, which left the audience stunned by its emotional depth. (这部戏剧的顶峰在于它的最后一幕,深情深意令观众震惊。)

7. She saw her promotion to CEO as the apotheosis of her professional career. (她把晋升为CEO看作是她职业生涯的顶峰。)

8. The apotheosis of classical architecture is often seen in the grand temples and palaces of ancient civilizations. (古典建筑的顶峰常常体现在古代文明的宏伟寺庙和宫殿中。)

9. The scientist's groundbreaking discovery marked the apotheosis of years of dedicated research. (这位科学家的开创性发现标志着多年专注研究的顶峰。)

10. The film's apotheosis was the breathtaking special effects that transported viewers to another world. (这部电影的顶峰是让观众身临其境的惊人特效。)

11. The poet's lyrical masterpiece was regarded as the apotheosis of romantic poetry. (诗人的抒情杰作被视为浪漫诗歌的顶峰。)

12. The team's victory in the championship game was the apotheosis of their season. (球队在冠军赛中的胜利是他们本赛季的顶峰。)

13. The city's skyline with its towering skyscrapers is often seen as the apotheosis of modern urban development. (这座城市的天际线和高耸入云的摩天大楼常被视为现代城市发展的顶峰。)

14. The company's IPO marked the apotheosis of its growth from a small startup to a major player in the industry. (公司的首次公开发行标志着它从小型创业公司发展成为行业的重要角色的顶峰。)

15. The athlete's gold medal at the Olympics was the apotheosis of years of hard work and dedication. (运动员在奥运会上获得的金牌是多年辛勤工作和奉献的顶峰。)


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