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时间: 2024-09-10 07:53:00


Certainly! "Pantheist" refers to someone who believes that the universe or nature itself is divine. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. She identified as a pantheist, seeing the beauty of nature as a manifestation of the divine. (她自认为泛神论者,认为大自然的美是神圣的体现。)

2. The poet's work often reflects his pantheistic worldview, where every element of the natural world is revered. (诗人的作品常常反映出他的泛神论世界观,即将自然界的每一个元素都视为神圣。)

3. As a pantheist, he finds spiritual fulfillment in connecting with the cosmos through meditation. (作为泛神论者,他通过冥想与宇宙连接以获得精神上的满足。)

4. Pantheists believe that divinity permeates all existence, from the smallest atom to the vastness of space. (泛神论者相信神性贯穿于所有存在之中,从最小的原子到广袤的太空。)

5. The pantheistic philosophy teaches reverence for nature and a deep respect for all living things. (泛神论哲学教导人们尊敬自然,深切敬畏所有生命。)

6. In her painting, she expresses a pantheistic vision where landscapes become symbols of divine presence. (在她的画作中,她表达了一种泛神论的视角,其中风景成为神圣存在的象征。)

7. Many ancient cultures held pantheistic beliefs, seeing gods in natural phenomena and celestial bodies. (许多古代文化都持有泛神论信仰,将神灵视为自然现象和天体的体现。)

8. His pantheistic faith encourages him to find spiritual meaning in everyday experiences. (他的泛神论信仰鼓励他在日常经历中找到精神上的意义。)

9. The pantheist views the universe itself as a manifestation of divine creativity and order. (泛神论者将宇宙本身视为神圣创造力和秩序的体现。)

10. Pantheists often see the interconnectedness of all things as evidence of a universal consciousness. (泛神论者常常将万物相互联系看作普遍意识存在的证据。)

11. To the pantheist, the natural world is not just a collection of objects but a living embodiment of spiritual truths. (对泛神论者而言,自然界不仅是物体的集合,更是精神真理的生动体现。)

12. Pantheistic beliefs emphasize the sanctity of life and the importance of environmental stewardship. (泛神论信仰强调生命的神圣性和环境管理的重要性。)

13. Her poetry reflects a pantheistic reverence for the cycles of nature and the rhythms of the universe. (她的诗歌反映了一种对自然循环和宇宙节奏的泛神论崇敬。)

14. The philosopher's writings explore the implications of pantheistic thought on ethics and human behavior. (哲学家的著作探讨了泛神论思想对伦理道德和人类行为的影响。)

15. As a pantheist, she finds solace in the belief that everything in the universe is interconnected and part of a larger whole. (作为泛神论者,她在这种信念中找到了安慰,即宇宙中的一切都相互关联,是一个更大整体的一部分。)


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