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时间: 2024-09-19 11:40:43


Certainly! 这里有关于 "intimidation" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The gang used intimidation to control the neighborhood.

- 这个团伙使用恐吓来控制这个社区。

2. She felt a sense of intimidation before her first public speech.

- 她在第一次公开演讲之前感到了一种恐惧感。

3. The witness refused to testify due to intimidation by the defendant's associates.

- 这名证人因被被告的同伙恐吓而拒绝作证。

4. The teacher's strict demeanor was seen as intimidation by some students.

- 这位老师严厉的态度被一些学生视为恐吓。

5. The company prohibits any form of intimidation or harassment in the workplace.

- 公司禁止在工作场所进行任何形式的恐吓或骚扰。

6. Political intimidation has been used to silence dissenting voices.

- 政治恐吓曾被用来压制持不同意见的声音。

7. She overcame her fear of intimidation and stood up for her rights.

- 她克服了恐吓的恐惧,并为自己的权利站了出来。

8. The intimidation tactics employed by the dictator kept the population in fear.

- 独裁者使用的恐吓策略让人民生活在恐惧之中。

9. Workers reported experiencing intimidation from their supervisors.

- 工人们报告称他们受到了主管的恐吓。

10. The victim of the crime described the perpetrator's intimidation tactics.

- 犯罪受害者描述了犯罪者的恐吓手段。

11. The union leaders condemned the use of intimidation against striking workers.

- 工会领导谴责了对罢工工人使用恐吓手段。

12. The player's aggressive play style was seen as a form of intimidation on the field.

- 球员的激进比赛风格被视为在赛场上的一种恐吓。

13. The community rallied against the intimidation of local businesses by criminal gangs.

- 社区团结起来反对犯罪团伙对本地企业的恐吓。

14. She refused to be swayed by the intimidation tactics of her opponents.

- 她拒绝受到对手的恐吓手段的影响。

15. The intimidation was so severe that witnesses were reluctant to come forward.

- 恐吓非常严重,以至于证人不愿站出来。

希望这些例句能够帮助你理解和使用 "intimidation" 这个词。

上一个 【英语】intimidate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】timorous的例句



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