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时间: 2024-09-17 13:56:23



1. She was too timorous to speak up in front of the intimidating crowd. (她过于胆小,不敢在那个吓人的人群面前说话。)

2. His timorous nature prevented him from trying new things. (他胆小的性格使他不敢尝试新事物。)

3. The timorous child clung to his mother's hand at the noisy amusement park. (那个胆小的孩子在嘈杂的游乐园里紧紧抓住母亲的手。)

4. Despite her timorous demeanor, she showed remarkable courage during the crisis. (尽管她看起来胆小,但在危机时刻她表现出了非凡的勇气。)

5. His timorous behavior in the face of adversity disappointed his friends. (面对逆境,他的胆怯行为让他的朋友们感到失望。)

6. The timorous rabbit darted back into its burrow at the sound of approaching footsteps. (听到逼近的脚步声,胆小的兔子跳回了自己的洞穴。)

7. She spoke with a timorous voice, barely audible in the noisy room. (她小声地说话,声音在嘈杂的房间里几乎听不见。)

8. His timorous approach to decision-making often led to missed opportunities. (他在决策上胆小怕事,经常错失良机。)

9. The timorous kitten cautiously approached the unfamiliar object. (胆小的小猫小心翼翼地靠近那个陌生的物体。)

10. Despite his timorous nature, he managed to confront his fear of heights and climb the mountain. (尽管他胆小,但他还是设法克服了对高处的恐惧,登上了山顶。)

11. The timorous deer froze in fear as the predator approached. (当捕食者靠近时,胆小的鹿吓得一动不动。)

12. Her timorous personality made it difficult for her to assert herself in meetings. (她胆小的性格使得她很难在会议上表现出自己。)

13. The timorous student hesitated before answering the teacher's question. (那个胆小的学生在回答老师的问题之前犹豫了一下。)

14. Despite his timorous exterior, he had a kind heart. (尽管他看起来胆小,但他心地善良。)

15. The timorous squirrel cautiously peeked out from behind the tree trunk. (胆小的松鼠小心翼翼地从树干后面探出头来。)


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