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时间: 2024-09-10 07:57:04



1. His speech turned into a tirade against the government's policies.(他的讲话变成了对政府政策的长篇抨击。)

2. She launched into a tirade of abuse after waiting in line for an hour.(她在排队等了一个小时后开始了一连串的谩骂。)

3. The boss delivered a tirade about punctuality to the entire staff.(老板对全体员工发表了一番关于守时问题的长篇演讲。)

4. The article was a tirade against modern consumerism.(这篇文章是一篇对现代消费主义的长篇抨击。)

5. During the meeting, he launched into a tirade against his colleagues' work ethic.(在会议期间,他对同事的职业道德发表了一番长篇抨击。)

6. She unleashed a tirade of criticism on the referee's decisions.(她对裁判的决定进行了一连串的批评。)

7. The candidate went on a tirade against his opponent's voting record.(候选人对对手的投票记录进行了长篇抨击。)

8. The teacher launched into a tirade about the students' lack of effort.(老师对学生们的缺乏努力进行了一番长篇抨击。)

9. The customer launched into a tirade when he found out the item was out of stock.(顾客发现货物缺货后开始了一连串的长篇抨击。)

10. The article was nothing more than a political tirade against the opposition party.(这篇文章不过是一篇对反对党的政治长篇抨击而已。)

11. After the controversial decision, the coach launched into a tirade against the referees.(在那个颇有争议的决定之后,教练对裁判进行了长篇抨击。)

12. She went on a tirade about the poor service she received at the restaurant.(她对餐厅提供的糟糕服务进行了一番长篇抨击。)

13. His tirade against immigrants caused a stir in the community.(他对移民的长篇抨击在社区引起了轰动。)

14. The boss's tirade left everyone feeling demoralized.(老板的长篇抨击让所有人感到士气低落。)

15. The actor's tirade against the paparazzi went viral on social media.(那位演员对狗仔队的长篇抨击在社交媒体上迅速走红。)


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