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时间: 2024-09-17 13:35:02



1. He carried a dusty old tome under his arm.

- 他胳膊下夹着一本布满灰尘的古老大部头书。

2. The library housed ancient tomes dating back centuries.

- 这个图书馆收藏了可以追溯数个世纪的古老巨著。

3. She spent hours poring over the cryptic tome, searching for hidden meanings.

- 她花了几个小时仔细阅读那本晦涩难懂的大部头书,寻找隐藏的含义。

4. The professor's latest publication is a scholarly tome on medieval history.

- 教授最新发表的是一部关于中世纪历史的学术巨著。

5. Students groaned when they saw the thick tome assigned for their summer reading.

- 学生们一看到他们暑期阅读的那本厚书就忍不住唉声叹气。

6. The bookstore displayed a collection of ancient tomes in its rare books section.

- 书店在稀有书籍区展示了一批古老的巨部著作。

7. He had an impressive collection of philosophical tomes in his personal library.

- 他的私人图书馆里有一批令人印象深刻的哲学巨著。

8. She referenced several medical tomes to support her research findings.

- 她引用了几部医学巨著来支持她的研究发现。

9. The librarian carefully preserved the delicate tome, mindful of its historical significance.

- 馆长小心翼翼地保存着那本脆弱的巨著,深知它的历史重要性。

10. In the corner of the bookstore, a pile of dusty old tomes gathered dust.

- 在书店的角落里,一堆布满灰尘的古老巨著积满了灰尘。

11. She inherited a collection of theological tomes from her grandfather.

- 她从祖父那里继承了一批神学巨著。

12. The author spent years researching and writing his monumental tome on the Roman Empire.

- 作者花了数年时间进行研究,并撰写了他的关于罗马帝国的巨著。

13. The library's archives held rare and valuable tomes from various historical periods.

- 图书馆的档案馆里收藏了来自各个历史时期的稀有而宝贵的巨著。

14. Historians often consult ancient tomes to understand the customs of bygone eras.

- 历史学家们经常翻阅古老的巨著,以了解过去时代的风俗习惯。

15. The tomes on the shelf ranged from literary classics to scientific treatises.

- 书架上的巨著涵盖了从文学经典到科学专论的各种作品。

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