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时间: 2024-09-10 05:50:53


Certainly! "Retortion" refers to a legal term involving the use of the opponent's arguments against them. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The lawyer used retortion by pointing out the contradictions in the plaintiff's testimony.

- 律师利用反诘法指出原告证词中的矛盾之处。

2. The defense attorney employed retortion effectively, highlighting the inconsistencies in the prosecution's evidence.

- 辩护律师有效地运用反诘,突显控方证据中的不一致之处。

3. The principle of retortion allows for the examination of the opposing party's claims in detail.

- 反诘原则允许详细审查对方的主张。

4. The judge appreciated the use of retortion in clarifying the defendant's position.

- 法官赞赏利用反诘澄清被告立场的做法。

5. The cross-examination used retortion to expose the witness's bias.

- 十字审问利用反诘揭露证人的偏见。

6. The legal strategy included retortion as a tactic to undermine the credibility of the opposing expert witness.

- 法律策略包括利用反诘战术来削弱对方专家证人的信誉。

7. Through retortion, the defense was able to cast doubt on the prosecution's theory of the case.

- 通过反诘,辩护方能够对控方案件理论产生怀疑。

8. The use of retortion requires a careful analysis of the opponent's arguments.

- 使用反诘需要对对方的论点进行仔细分析。

9. Retortion is a powerful tool in legal argumentation to challenge the opposing party's assertions.

- 反诘是法律论证中挑战对方主张的强大工具。

10. The defense team employed retortion to undermine the reliability of the plaintiff's witnesses.

- 辩护团队利用反诘削弱原告证人的可靠性。

11. The judge allowed retortion during the trial to ensure both sides had a fair opportunity to challenge each other's claims.

- 法官在审判中允许反诘,以确保双方有公平的机会质疑对方的主张。

12. Retortion can be a subtle but effective strategy in legal proceedings.

- 反诘可以是法律程序中微妙但有效的策略。

13. Lawyers often rely on retortion to dismantle the opposition's arguments systematically.

- 律师经常依赖反诘来系统地解构对方的论点。

14. The concept of retortion is rooted in the principle of fairness in legal disputes.

- 反诘的概念根植于法律争议中的公平原则。

15. Understanding when to use retortion is crucial for crafting a compelling legal defense.

- 理解何时使用反诘对于构建有说服力的法律辩护至关重要。

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