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时间: 2024-09-10 05:13:52


当你开车去机场时,由于道路修路,你需要绕道一段时间。 (Due to road construction, you need to take a detour for a while when driving to the airport.)

这本书的结尾部分采取了一个小的迂回,以揭示主角的真正动机。 (The end of this book takes a small detour to reveal the protagonist's true motives.)

我们计划在路上做一个小的迂回,以避开拥堵的区域。 (We planned a small detour on the road to avoid the congested area.)

经理提出了一个迂回方案,以解决这个难题。 (The manager proposed a detouring plan to solve the problem.)

政府决定在城市周围修建环路,以减轻市中心的交通压力。 (The government decided to build a ring road around the city as a detour to ease traffic in the downtown area.)

在山区旅行时,有时需要走一些弯路来绕过崎岖的地形。 (Traveling in the mountains sometimes requires taking detours to navigate rough terrain.)

这部电影在故事的发展过程中做了一些不太相关的迂回,导致节奏感受到影响。 (The movie took some unrelated detours in the development of the story, affecting its pacing.)

当地政府为了修建新的公园,计划将周围的交通引导到临时道路上。 (The local government plans to redirect traffic onto temporary roads to build a new park.)

在建筑工地附近,他们设置了指示牌,引导车辆绕行。 (Near the construction site, they set up signs to guide vehicles on detours.)

由于天气恶劣,我们不得不绕过被冰雪覆盖的道路。 (Due to bad weather, we had to detour around the icy road.)

为了躲避警察的检查站,司机决定走一条小路。 (To avoid the police checkpoint, the driver decided to take a detour.)

在旅行计划中,我们安排了一些额外的时间以备不时之需,如需绕道。 (In our travel plans, we allowed extra time in case we needed to take a detour.)

他们在施工期间设置了一些临时标志,以引导交通绕道。 (They placed temporary signs during construction to guide traffic on detours.)

学校关闭了主要入口,因此我们需要沿另一条路走一段迂回路线。 (The school closed the main entrance, so we had to take a detour along another route.)

这个项目的进展受到了法律问题的干扰,导致需要在开发路线上做一些调整。 (Legal issues disrupted the progress of the project, necessitating detours in the development route.)


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