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时间: 2024-09-17 13:08:29


Certainly! "Abstraction" 在英文中是抽象的意思,通常用来指从具体事物中提取出共性特征或概念的过程。以下是关于 "abstraction" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The concept of justice is an abstraction that varies across cultures. (正义的概念是一个抽象的概念,在不同文化中有所不同。)

2. In art, abstraction allows artists to convey emotions through non-representational forms. (在艺术中,抽象使艺术家能够通过非具象形式传达情感。)

3. Computer programming involves the use of abstraction to manage complex systems efficiently. (计算机编程利用抽象来高效管理复杂系统。)

4. Mathematics relies on abstraction to generalize patterns and solve problems. (数学依赖抽象来概括模式并解决问题。)

5. The philosopher discussed the abstraction of beauty as perceived by different cultures. (哲学家讨论了不同文化中美的抽象概念。)

6. Learning to think abstractly is an important skill in scientific research. (学会抽象思维是科学研究中重要的技能。)

7. Abstraction in design simplifies user interfaces while maintaining functionality. (设计中的抽象化简化了用户界面,同时保持功能性。)

8. The artist's work moved from realism to abstraction over the course of her career. (艺术家的作品在她的职业生涯中从写实主义转向抽象主义。)

9. Teaching children abstract concepts like time can be challenging yet rewarding. (教孩子们抽象概念如时间可能是具有挑战性但又有益的。)

10. His argument was based on too much abstraction and lacked concrete examples. (他的论点过于抽象,缺乏具体的例子。)

11. The philosopher explored the abstraction of identity in postmodern society. (哲学家探讨了后现代社会中身份的抽象概念。)

12. Economic theories often rely on abstraction to simplify complex market behaviors. (经济理论常常依赖抽象化来简化复杂的市场行为。)

13. Abstraction in literature allows writers to explore themes beyond literal meanings. (文学中的抽象允许作家探索超越字面意义的主题。)

14. The concept of democracy is an abstraction that embodies principles of governance by the people. (民主的概念是一个抽象的概念,体现了人民治理的原则。)

15. Understanding abstraction in art history requires knowledge of cultural contexts and artistic movements. (理解艺术史中的抽象需要了解文化背景和艺术运动。)

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