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时间: 2024-09-17 13:12:46


Certainly! "Contraction" 在英语中可以有多种含义,这里我为您列举一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The muscle contraction was causing him pain. (肌肉收缩导致他感到疼痛。)

2. The company faced a contraction in sales during the economic downturn. (公司在经济衰退期间面临销售收缩。)

3. "Don't" is a contraction of "do not." ("Don't" 是 "do not" 的缩写。)

4. The government is predicting a contraction of the economy this quarter. (政府预测本季度经济将收缩。)

5. During labor, contractions occur to help the baby move through the birth canal. (分娩期间,子宫收缩有助于婴儿顺利通过产道。)

6. He signed a contract for the construction of the new building. (他签署了建造新建筑物的合同。)

7. The contraction of the metal under extreme heat caused it to warp. (金属在极高温度下收缩导致其变形。)

8. The population of the city experienced a contraction due to people moving away. (由于人们搬走,这座城市的人口出现了收缩。)

9. The contraction of the universe is a topic of debate among physicists. (宇宙的收缩是物理学家们争论的话题。)

10. The pain was caused by the contraction of her stomach muscles. (她的胃肌肉收缩引起了疼痛。)

11. The company announced a contraction in its workforce. (公司宣布将缩减员工。)

12. He couldn't see the contraction of the market coming. (他没有预料到市场的收缩。)

13. Contraction of the heart muscles pumps blood throughout the body. (心肌收缩将血液泵送到全身。)

14. The government measures were aimed at preventing a contraction in consumer spending. (政府措施旨在防止消费支出的收缩。)

15. The contraction of the economy affected everyone's livelihood. (经济的收缩影响了每个人的生计。)

希望这些例句能帮助您更好地理解 "contraction" 这个词的不同用法!

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