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时间: 2024-09-19 11:37:36



1. He lived the life of a vagabond, traveling from place to place with no fixed destination. (他过着流浪者的生活,四处漂泊,没有固定的目的地。)

2. The old man claimed to be a vagabond who had traveled the world over. (那位老人自称是一个流浪汉,走遍了全世界。)

3. After losing his job, he became a vagabond, wandering the streets aimlessly. (失业后,他成了一个流浪汉,在街头无目的地闲逛。)

4. The vagabond found shelter for the night in an abandoned building. (那个流浪汉在一座废弃的建筑物里找到了一晚的住所。)

5. She described herself as a spiritual vagabond, constantly searching for meaning in different philosophies. (她自称是一个精神上的流浪者,不断在不同的哲学中寻找意义。)

6. The vagabond lifestyle appealed to him because of its freedom from commitments. (流浪汉的生活方式吸引了他,因为那种生活没有束缚。)

7. He was a vagabond poet, penning verses under different skies and climates. (他是一位流浪诗人,在不同的天空和气候下写作诗句。)

8. The authorities warned the town about the presence of a dangerous vagabond in the area. (当局警告镇上,该地区有一个危险的流浪汉。)

9. She felt like a spiritual vagabond, drifting between different beliefs and ideologies. (她感觉自己像是一个精神上的流浪者,在不同的信念和意识形态之间漂泊。)

10. The vagabond musician played his guitar on street corners to earn a living. (那位流浪音乐家在街角弹奏吉他以谋生。)

11. They met a young vagabond couple who had been hitchhiking across the country. (他们遇到了一对年轻的流浪情侣,他们一直在全国各地搭便车旅行。)

12. Despite his appearance as a vagabond, he was surprisingly well-read and articulate. (尽管他看起来像个流浪汉,但他出乎意料地博学且能言善辩。)

13. The vagabond lifestyle can be romanticized in literature, but in reality, it often involves hardship and uncertainty. (流浪汉的生活方式在文学作品中可能被浪漫化,但实际上常常涉及艰辛和不确定性。)

14. She described her years as a vagabond artist, moving from city to city in pursuit of creative inspiration. (她描述了自己作为流浪艺术家的岁月,为了追求创作灵感而在城市间迁徙。)

15. The town had a policy of providing support and shelter to vagabonds during harsh winters. (这个城镇在严冬期间有为流浪汉提供支持和庇护的政策。)


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