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时间: 2024-09-10 07:18:31



1. Her instructions were vague, so I wasn't sure what she wanted me to do. (她的指示含糊不清,所以我不确定她想让我做什么。)

2. He had only a vague idea of where the restaurant was located. (他只有一个模糊的概念,不清楚餐馆在哪。)

3. The details in the report were too vague to draw any conclusions. (报告中的细节太模糊,无法得出任何结论。)

4. She gave me a vague answer when I asked about her future plans. (当我问她的未来计划时,她给了我一个含糊的回答。)

5. His memory of the event was vague and uncertain. (他对事件的记忆模糊不清,不确定。)

6. The outline of the new policy is still vague; we need more specifics. (新政策的轮廓仍然模糊不清,我们需要更多具体的细节。)

7. The directions he gave us were too vague to follow accurately. (他给我们的方向太模糊了,无法准确遵循。)

8. She had a vague feeling that something was wrong, but couldn't pinpoint it. (她有一种模糊的感觉,觉得有什么不对劲,但说不清楚。)

9. The movie left me with a vague sense of dissatisfaction. (这部电影让我有一种模糊的不满意感。)

10. He made only vague promises about improving the situation. (他只是对改善情况做出了模糊的承诺。)

11. The timeline for the project was still vague and needed clarification. (项目的时间表仍然模糊不清,需要澄清。)

12. She had a vague memory of visiting that city as a child. (她模糊记得小时候曾经去过那个城市。)

13. The description in the book was intentionally vague to create suspense. (书中的描述故意模糊以营造悬念。)

14. My understanding of the topic is still quite vague; I need to study more. (我对这个主题的理解还很模糊,我需要更多的学习。)

15. The instructions were deliberately vague to allow for flexibility in interpretation. (这些指示故意模糊,以便在解释上有灵活性。)


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