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时间: 2024-09-29 03:00:25


Certainly! "Verbose" 是一个形容词,指过多冗长的、啰嗦的。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The professor's lectures were so verbose that many students struggled to stay awake. (教授的讲座太啰嗦了,很多学生都难以保持清醒。)

2. Her writing style is often criticized for being too verbose and lacking in clarity. (她的写作风格经常因为太啰嗦且缺乏清晰度而受到批评。)

3. The politician's verbose speech failed to address the core issues facing the country. (政客冗长的演讲未能解决国家面临的核心问题。)

4. Instead of giving a simple answer, he gave a verbose explanation that confused everyone. (他没有简单回答,而是给了一个冗长的解释,把所有人都弄糊涂了。)

5. The software manual was criticized for its verbose instructions, which made it difficult for users to find essential information quickly. (软件手册因为冗长的说明而受到批评,这使得用户很难快速找到必要的信息。)

6. His verbose storytelling style tends to lose the interest of listeners halfway through. (他冗长的讲故事风格常常导致听众在半途中失去兴趣。)

7. The report was overly verbose, containing unnecessary details that obscured the main findings. (这份报告过于冗长,包含了不必要的细节,掩盖了主要的发现。)

8. Despite his verbose nature, he often struggled to express his ideas clearly. (尽管他口若悬河,但他经常难以清晰表达自己的想法。)

9. The lawyer's closing argument was so verbose that the jury lost track of the key points of the case. (律师的总结陈词太啰嗦了,陪审团搞不清楚案件的关键点。)

10. The novel's verbose descriptions of scenery slowed down the pace of the story. (小说对景物的冗长描述拖慢了故事的节奏。)

11. His verbose emails were often ignored by recipients who preferred concise communication. (他冗长的电子邮件常常被那些喜欢简洁沟通的收件人忽略。)

12. The manual's verbose style made it challenging for new users to understand the software's features quickly. (手册的冗长风格使得新用户很难快速理解软件的功能。)

13. The CEO's verbose speech at the conference failed to inspire confidence among investors. (CEO在会议上的冗长演讲未能激发投资者的信心。)

14. The textbook was criticized for its verbose explanations, which made it difficult for students to grasp key concepts. (教科书因为冗长的解释而受到批评,这使得学生很难掌握关键概念。)

15. Despite the editor's efforts, the article remained verbose and difficult to follow. (尽管编辑努力了,这篇文章依然冗长且难以理解。)


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