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时间: 2024-10-07 22:48:39


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "antagonist," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The antagonist in the novel was a cunning villain who sought to overthrow the kingdom.(小说中的反派是一个狡猾的恶棍,企图颠覆王国。)

2. In the movie, the antagonist's motives were shrouded in mystery until the very end.(电影中,反派的动机直到最后才揭晓。)

3. The antagonist's relentless pursuit of power drove the plot forward.(反派对权力的不懈追求推动了剧情发展。)

4. She played the role of the antagonist, trying to thwart the protagonist at every turn.(她扮演反派角色,试图在每一个转折点阻挠主角。)

5. The antagonist's charisma made him a formidable opponent.(反派的魅力使他成为一位不可小觑的对手。)

6. Throughout history, ideologies often clash with one another, each regarding the other as an antagonist.(在历史长河中,各种意识形态常常互相冲突,每一方都将对方视为敌人。)

7. The antagonist's cold demeanor masked a deep-seated insecurity.(反派冷漠的态度掩盖了根深蒂固的不安全感。)

8. In chess, the antagonist moves strategically to trap the protagonist's pieces.(在国际象棋中,反派通过策略性的移动来困住主角的棋子。)

9. The antagonist's actions had far-reaching consequences for the entire kingdom.(反派的行动对整个王国产生了深远的影响。)

10. Despite their differences, the protagonist and antagonist shared a complex history.(尽管存在分歧,主角和反派分享着复杂的历史。)

11. The antagonist's betrayal was a turning point in the protagonist's journey.(反派的背叛是主角旅程中的一个转折点。)

12. The antagonist's relentless pursuit of vengeance consumed him entirely.(反派对复仇的不懈追求彻底吞噬了他。)

13. The novel explores the antagonist's inner turmoil and motivations.(这部小说探讨了反派内心的痛苦和动机。)

14. The antagonist's schemes unraveled as the protagonist uncovered the truth.(随着主角揭开真相,反派的阴谋逐渐败露。)

15. The antagonist's downfall was brought about by their own arrogance.(反派的垮台是由于他们自身的傲慢导致的。)

These sentences cover various contexts in which the word "antagonist" can be used, from literature and film to broader societal and historical contexts.

上一个 【英语】antagonize的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】albescent的例句



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