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时间: 2024-10-08 00:54:11


Certainly! "Albescent" means becoming or tending to become white or pale. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The albescent moon cast a soft glow over the sleeping city. (苍白的月亮在沉睡的城市上投下柔和的光芒。)

2. Her albescent complexion indicated she was unwell. (她苍白的肤色表明她身体不适。)

3. The albescent petals of the lily shone in the early morning sunlight. (百合花的苍白花瓣在早晨的阳光下闪闪发光。)

4. The albescent mist slowly enveloped the valley. (苍白的雾气慢慢笼罩了山谷。)

5. His albescent hair showed signs of aging. (他那苍白的头发显示出了老化的迹象。)

6. The albescent sands of the desert stretched endlessly before them. (沙漠中苍白的沙子在他们面前无尽地延伸着。)

7. The artist used albescent hues to create a sense of serenity in the painting. (画家运用了苍白的色调在画中营造了一种宁静感。)

8. Her face turned albescent with fear as she heard the strange noise. (当她听到奇怪的声音时,她的脸色因恐惧而变得苍白。)

9. The albescent clouds signaled an approaching storm. (苍白的云彩预示着暴风雨的来临。)

10. The albescent walls of the old castle stood stark against the blue sky. (古城堡的苍白墙壁在蓝天下显得格外突出。)

11. Her albescent lips quivered with emotion as she spoke. (她说话时,情感使她的苍白嘴唇颤抖了起来。)

12. The albescent pages of the ancient manuscript were fragile with age. (古老手稿的苍白纸页因年代久远而脆弱。)

13. The albescent glow of dawn painted the horizon with delicate shades. (黎明的苍白光芒用细腻的色彩描绘了地平线。)

14. His albescent fingers grasped the edge of the table nervously. (他紧张地用苍白的手指抓住桌子的边缘。)

15. The albescent statues gleamed in the moonlight, casting eerie shadows. (在月光下,苍白的雕塑闪耀着,投下诡异的阴影。)


上一个 【英语】antagonist的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】albino的例句



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