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时间: 2024-10-08 02:58:20


当然,请看以下关于 "albino" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The albino rabbit had pink eyes and pure white fur. (那只白化兔子有粉红色的眼睛和纯白色的毛。)

2. Albino animals often have poor eyesight due to lack of pigmentation. (白化动物由于缺乏色素常常视力较差。)

3. She was fascinated by the albino snake's striking appearance. (她被那条白化蛇引人注目的外观深深吸引。)

4. Albino individuals lack melanin pigment in their skin, hair, and eyes. (白化个体在皮肤、头发和眼睛中缺乏黑色素色素。)

5. The albino squirrel stood out among the trees with its bright white coat. (那只白化松鼠因其明亮的白色外衣在树木间格外显眼。)

6. The albino peacock was a rare sight in the wild. (白化孔雀在野外是一种罕见的景象。)

7. Albino animals are more susceptible to sunburn. (白化动物更容易被晒伤。)

8. The albino alligator's pale scales gleamed in the sunlight. (白化鳄鱼的淡色鳞片在阳光下闪闪发光。)

9. Albinoism is a genetic condition that affects animals as well as humans. (白化症是一种影响动物和人类的遗传状况。)

10. The albino gorilla captured the hearts of visitors at the zoo. (那只白化大猩猩俘获了动物园游客的心。)

11. The albino deer cautiously emerged from the forest clearing. (白化鹿小心翼翼地从森林空地中出现。)

12. In some cultures, albino animals are considered sacred or mystical. (在某些文化中,白化动物被视为神圣或神秘的象征。)

13. The albino kitten was adopted by a family who appreciated her uniqueness. (那只白化小猫被一户欣赏其独特性的家庭收养了。)

14. The albino ferret's playful nature made it a favorite among the household pets. (白化雪貂天性活泼,成为家庭宠物中的宠儿。)

15. Scientists study albino organisms to understand the genetic basis of pigmentation. (科学家研究白化生物以理解色素形成的遗传基础。)


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