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时间: 2024-09-20 01:11:35



1. The archaeologists conducted an excavation at the site of an ancient city. (考古学家们在一座古城遗址上进行了挖掘。)

2. The excavation unearthed pottery shards dating back to the Bronze Age. (挖掘工作发掘出可追溯至青铜时代的陶片。)

3. Excavation of the old building revealed hidden chambers beneath. (挖掘老建筑揭示出下面隐藏的密室。)

4. They hired a team of specialists to oversee the excavation process. (他们聘请了一组专家来监督挖掘过程。)

5. The excavation revealed a layer of sediment that held fossilized remains. (挖掘发现了一层含有化石遗骸的沉积物。)

6. The excavation site was meticulously mapped and documented. (挖掘现场被精确地绘制和记录下来。)

7. The excavation required heavy machinery to remove large boulders. (挖掘需要重型机械来移走大块岩石。)

8. Excavation of the tomb yielded ancient artifacts and inscriptions. (挖掘古墓出土了古代文物和铭文。)

9. They funded the excavation through grants and private donations. (他们通过拨款和私人捐赠资助了这次挖掘。)

10. The excavation uncovered a network of underground tunnels. (挖掘揭示了一个地下隧道网络。)

11. The excavation team worked tirelessly through adverse weather conditions. (挖掘队伍在恶劣天气条件下不知疲倦地工作。)

12. Excavation in urban areas requires careful consideration of infrastructure. (在城市地区进行挖掘需要仔细考虑基础设施。)

13. The excavation unearthed evidence of a prehistoric settlement. (挖掘发掘出史前定居点的证据。)

14. The excavation site was cordoned off to prevent unauthorized access. (挖掘现场被隔离以防止未经授权的进入。)

15. Excavation of the shipwreck led to the recovery of valuable artifacts. (对沉船的挖掘导致了珍贵文物的复原。)


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