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时间: 2024-09-19 11:37:26


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "haven" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The island became a safe haven for refugees fleeing the war. (这个岛成为了战争逃难者的避风港。)

2. After a long day of work, home is my haven of peace and relaxation. (工作了一整天后,家是我平静放松的地方。)

3. The national park serves as a haven for endangered species. (这个国家公园为濒危物种提供了庇护所。)

4. In times of trouble, libraries often serve as havens for those seeking refuge. (在困难时期,图书馆常常成为寻求庇护者的避难所。)

5. The small town is a haven for artists and writers seeking inspiration. (这个小镇是寻找灵感的艺术家和作家的避风港。)

6. The church provided a haven for homeless people during the winter storm. (这座教堂在冬季风暴期间为无家可归者提供了庇护所。)

7. After months at sea, the port was a welcome haven for the weary sailors. (在海上航行了几个月后,港口成了疲惫的水手们受到欢迎的安全地。)

8. The mountain retreat served as a haven from the bustling city life. (这个山间的避难所成了繁忙城市生活的庇护所。)

9. The underground bunker was designed to be a nuclear fallout haven. (地下掩体设计成为核辐射的庇护所。)

10. The non-profit organization aims to create a haven for abandoned animals. (这个非营利组织的目标是为被遗弃的动物创造一个庇护所。)

11. The hotel's spa offered a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation for its guests. (酒店的水疗中心为客人提供了放松和恢复活力的避风港。)

12. For many, retirement represents a haven from the stresses of work. (对许多人来说,退休意味着摆脱工作压力的避难所。)

13. The peaceful countryside was a haven away from the noise and pollution of the city. (宁静的乡村成了远离城市噪音和污染的庇护所。)

14. The ancient monastery served as a spiritual haven for monks seeking enlightenment. (这座古老的修道院为寻求启迪的僧侣提供了精神上的庇护所。)

15. The garden was my grandmother's haven where she spent hours tending to her plants. (这个花园是我奶奶的避风港,她常常花费数小时照料她的植物。)


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