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时间: 2024-09-17 13:58:22



1. She is known for being headstrong and never backing down from a challenge. (她以固执而著称,从不退缩面对挑战。)

2. Despite warnings, his headstrong attitude led him to attempt the climb alone. (尽管有警告,他固执的态度让他试图独自攀登。)

3. The headstrong child refused to listen to his parents' advice. (这个固执的孩子拒绝听父母的建议。)

4. Her headstrong nature often causes conflicts with her colleagues. (她固执的性格常常与同事发生冲突。)

5. He's so headstrong that he won't even consider another point of view. (他如此固执,甚至不会考虑其他的观点。)

6. The headstrong decision to go ahead with the project despite the risks surprised everyone. (尽管存在风险,坚持推进这个项目的固执决定让所有人都感到惊讶。)

7. Being headstrong can be an asset in some situations, but it can also be a liability. (在某些情况下,固执可以是一种优点,但也可能成为一种负担。)

8. The headstrong horse refused to obey its rider's commands. (这匹固执的马拒绝听从骑手的命令。)

9. She's too headstrong to admit when she's wrong. (她太固执了,不愿意承认自己的错误。)

10. His headstrong insistence on his own way often alienated his friends. (他对自己的方式固执己见,常常让朋友感到疏远。)

11. The headstrong CEO refused to compromise on the company's core values. (这位固执的CEO拒绝在公司的核心价值观上妥协。)

12. Don't be so headstrong about your opinions; sometimes it's good to listen to others. (不要对自己的观点如此固执,有时候倾听他人是件好事。)

13. His headstrong behavior during negotiations almost derailed the entire deal. (他在谈判中的固执行为几乎搅乱了整个交易。)

14. The headstrong teenager insisted on going to the party despite her parents' objections. (这位固执的青少年坚持去参加聚会,尽管父母反对。)

15. Being headstrong helped him achieve his goals, but it also caused friction with those around him. (固执使他达成了自己的目标,但也导致了与周围人的摩擦。)


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