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时间: 2024-09-17 13:58:40



1. The heady excitement of winning the championship overwhelmed the team. (赢得冠军带来的兴奋让整个团队难以自持。)

2. She enjoyed the heady feeling of success after years of hard work. (多年辛勤工作后,她享受到了成功的美妙感觉。)

3. The heady aroma of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen. (刚出炉的面包散发出的浓郁香气充满了厨房。)

4. He was intoxicated by the heady mix of power and fame. (他被权力和名望的交织迷住了。)

5. The heady pace of technological advancement makes it hard to keep up sometimes. (技术进步的快速节奏有时让人难以跟上。)

6. They were swept away by the heady atmosphere of the carnival. (他们被狂欢节的兴奋氛围冲走了。)

7. The heady rush of adrenaline kept him going during the race. (肾上腺素飙升的兴奋感让他在比赛中保持前进。)

8. Starting a new business is a heady challenge. (创业是一项巨大的挑战。)

9. The heady blend of cultures in the city creates a vibrant atmosphere. (城市里文化的融合营造出了充满活力的氛围。)

10. The heady cocktail of emotions overwhelmed her on her wedding day. (结婚那天,各种复杂的情感让她难以自持。)

11. They were caught up in the heady rush of young love. (他们被年轻爱情带来的兴奋冲动所迷住。)

12. The heady success of their first album launched their music career. (他们第一张专辑的巨大成功开启了他们的音乐事业。)

13. The heady freedom of being away from home for the first time was exhilarating. (第一次离家外出的自由感让人兴奋。)

14. She experienced the heady feeling of independence after moving out on her own. (独自搬出去后,她体验到了独立的美妙感觉。)

15. The heady rush of adrenaline kept him focused during the dangerous climb. (肾上腺素飙升的兴奋感让他在危险的攀登中保持专注。)


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