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时间: 2024-10-06 18:53:57


当然,请看以下关于 "sojourn" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. She decided to make a brief sojourn in Paris before continuing her journey. (她决定在继续旅行之前在巴黎停留一段时间。)

2. His sojourn in the remote village taught him valuable lessons about simplicity and community. (他在偏远村庄的逗留让他学到了关于简朴和社区的宝贵经验。)

3. After a long sojourn abroad, they returned home with new perspectives on life. (经过长时间的海外逗留,他们带着对生活的新视角回到了家。)

4. The monastery offers a peaceful sojourn for those seeking spiritual retreat. (这个修道院为寻求精神撤退的人提供了一个宁静的逗留地。)

5. Their sojourn in the mountains was interrupted by unexpected bad weather. (他们在山区的逗留被意外的恶劣天气打断了。)

6. During their sojourn in Italy, they immersed themselves in the local culture and cuisine. (在意大利的逗留期间,他们沉浸在当地的文化和美食中。)

7. The writer's sojourn in India inspired her next novel. (作家在印度的逗留激发了她的下一部小说的灵感。)

8. The artist's sojourn in the countryside resulted in a series of stunning landscape paintings. (艺术家在乡村的逗留导致了一系列令人惊叹的风景画。)

9. Their sojourn at the beach house was a relaxing break from their busy lives. (他们在海滨别墅的逗留是摆脱忙碌生活的轻松休息。)

10. The professor's sojourn at the research institute broadened his academic horizons. (教授在研究所的逗留拓展了他的学术视野。)

11. We enjoyed a delightful sojourn in the charming village, exploring its historic streets. (我们在迷人的村庄中度过了一个令人愉快的逗留,探索其历史街道。)

12. Their sojourn in the desert was an adventure filled with unexpected discoveries. (他们在沙漠的逗留是一次充满意外发现的冒险。)

13. After a short sojourn in academia, he decided to pursue a career in business. (在学术界短暂的逗留后,他决定追求商业事业。)

14. The scientist's sojourn in Antarctica provided crucial data for climate research. (科学家在南极洲的逗留为气候研究提供了关键数据。)

15. Our sojourn in the bustling city left us with fond memories of its vibrant atmosphere. (我们在繁华城市的逗留留下了对其充满活力氛围的美好回忆。)


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