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时间: 2024-10-06 16:47:45



1. They enjoyed a peaceful conjugal life together. (他们共享着平静的夫妻生活。)

2. Conjugal visits are allowed in some prisons. (有些监狱允许夫妻探监。)

3. They were seeking advice on how to improve their conjugal relationship. (他们在寻求如何改善他们的夫妻关系的建议。)

4. The couple had their first conjugal disagreement after years of marriage. (这对夫妻在多年婚姻后第一次发生了夫妻之间的争执。)

5. They attended a workshop on enhancing conjugal intimacy. (他们参加了一场增进夫妻亲密关系的研讨会。)

6. She missed her husband during his conjugal absence due to work travel. (因为丈夫因工作出差而不能与她同行,她很想念他。)

7. Their conjugal bond grew stronger over the years. (多年来,他们的夫妻情感越来越牢固。)

8. They sought counseling to address their conjugal issues. (他们寻求咨询来解决夫妻问题。)

9. The court recognized their conjugal rights. (法院承认了他们的夫妻权利。)

10. They shared a deep conjugal love that lasted a lifetime. (他们分享了一份深厚的夫妻爱情,持续了一生。)

11. The therapist helped them rebuild their conjugal trust. (治疗师帮助他们重建夫妻信任。)

12. Their conjugal happiness was evident to everyone who knew them. (他们的夫妻幸福对于所有认识他们的人来说都是显而易见的。)

13. The book discusses strategies for maintaining conjugal harmony. (这本书讨论了保持夫妻和谐的策略。)

14. They celebrated their twenty-fifth conjugal anniversary with a grand party. (他们用盛大的派对庆祝了他们的二十五周年结婚纪念日。)

15. The couple enjoyed a weekend getaway to rejuvenate their conjugal relationship. (这对夫妻享受了一个周末的短途旅行,以恢复他们的夫妻关系。)


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