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时间: 2024-10-06 16:45:45



1. In mathematics, the conjugate of a complex number is obtained by changing the sign of the imaginary part. (数学中,复数的共轭是通过改变虚部的符号得到的。)

2. The chemist studied the properties of the conjugate acid in the reaction. (化学家研究了反应中共轭酸的性质。)

3. In grammar, verb conjugation involves changing the form of a verb to indicate tense, person, number, etc. (在语法中,动词的屈折涉及改变动词的形式以表示时态、人称、数等。)

4. The conjugate base of an acid is what remains after it loses a proton. (酸的共轭碱是在失去质子后剩下的部分。)

5. The teacher asked the students to conjugate the verb "to be" in all tenses. (老师要求学生在所有时态中变化动词“to be”。)

6. He multiplied the complex number by its conjugate to find the square of its magnitude. (他将复数乘以其共轭以找到其大小的平方。)

7. The conjugate gradient method is often used to solve large linear systems of equations. (共轭梯度法通常用于解决大型线性方程组。)

8. Can you conjugate the following irregular verbs correctly? (你能正确地变化以下的不规则动词吗?)

9. The student struggled with conjugating verbs in French class. (学生在法语课上努力变化动词。)

10. In mathematics, the conjugate transpose of a matrix is obtained by taking the transpose and then conjugating each element. (在数学中,矩阵的共轭转置是通过先转置矩阵,然后对每个元素取共轭得到的。)

11. Understanding how to conjugate verbs correctly is essential for speaking fluently in Spanish. (理解如何正确变化动词对于流利地讲西班牙语至关重要。)

12. The conjugate acid-base pair plays a crucial role in buffering solutions. (共轭酸碱对在缓冲溶液中起着至关重要的作用。)

13. She wrote down the conjugate pairs of verbs for her language exam. (她为语言考试写下了动词的共轭对。)

14. The conjugate of the original expression simplified the calculation significantly. (原表达式的共轭显著简化了计算。)

15. The conjugate heat transfer between solid and fluid is modeled in this simulation. (在这个模拟中建模了固体与流体之间的共轭传热。)


上一个 【英语】conjugal的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】lactic的例句



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