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时间: 2024-10-06 22:52:44



1. The jeweler's workshop was filled with the delicate tools of the lapidary trade.

- 这家珠宝店的工作室里摆满了精细的宝石加工工具。

2. She studied under a master lapidary to learn the art of cutting gemstones.

- 她师从一位宝石切割大师学习宝石切割艺术。

3. The lapidary carefully inspected each diamond before setting it into the ring.

- 宝石匠在将每颗钻石镶嵌到戒指上之前仔细检查了每颗钻石。

4. Lapidary techniques have evolved significantly over the centuries.

- 几个世纪以来,宝石加工技术已经显著发展。

5. The museum displayed ancient lapidary tools used by civilizations long past.

- 博物馆展示了古代文明使用过的宝石加工工具。

6. He became fascinated with lapidary arts after visiting a gem exhibition.

- 参观宝石展览后,他对宝石加工艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣。

7. The lapidary cut the rough stone into a brilliant faceted gem.

- 宝石匠把粗糙的石头切割成一个闪耀的琢面宝石。

8. She inherited her grandfather's collection of lapidary tools.

- 她继承了祖父的一套宝石加工工具收藏。

9. The lapidary skillfully shaped the gemstone into a perfect sphere.

- 宝石匠巧妙地把宝石打磨成一个完美的球形。

10. Lapidary work requires patience and precision.

- 宝石加工需要耐心和精确度。

11. The lapidary used a magnifying glass to examine the gemstone closely.

- 宝石匠使用放大镜仔细检查宝石。

12. She enrolled in a lapidary workshop to learn the basics of gem cutting.

- 她报名参加了一场宝石加工工作坊,学习宝石切割的基础知识。

13. The lapidary carefully polished the gemstone to enhance its brilliance.

- 宝石匠仔细打磨宝石,增强其闪耀度。

14. Lapidary artists often draw inspiration from the natural patterns of gemstones.

- 宝石匠常常从宝石的自然纹理中获取灵感。

15. He wrote a book on the history of lapidary arts around the world.

- 他写了一本关于世界各地宝石加工艺术历史的书籍。

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