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时间: 2024-10-07 00:58:33


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "dilapidated" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The old house stood in a dilapidated state, with broken windows and a sagging roof. (那座老房子破烂不堪,窗户破碎,屋顶下垂。)

2. They found themselves in a dilapidated building, surrounded by overgrown vegetation. (他们发现自己身处一座破败的建筑里,四周长满了疯长的植物。)

3. Despite its dilapidated appearance, the barn still held a rustic charm. (尽管它看起来破旧不堪,但那个谷仓仍然有着乡村风味。)

4. The once grand hotel had become dilapidated after years of neglect. (曾经的豪华酒店经过多年的忽视后变得破烂不堪。)

5. We stumbled upon a dilapidated castle hidden deep in the forest. (我们偶然发现了一个隐藏在森林深处的破旧城堡。)

6. The factory stood as a testament to the region's dilapidated industrial past. (这家工厂是对该地区破败工业过去的见证。)

7. She lived in a dilapidated apartment building on the outskirts of town. (她住在镇外一个破旧的公寓楼里。)

8. The villagers gathered to renovate the dilapidated community center. (村民们聚集在一起,准备翻修那个破败的社区中心。)

9. Despite its dilapidated condition, the old car still ran surprisingly well. (尽管它破烂不堪,但那辆旧车的表现出乎意料地好。)

10. The once bustling marketplace had turned into a dilapidated ghost town. (曾经繁华的市场变成了一个破败的幽灵城镇。)

11. He grew up in a dilapidated neighborhood, but it taught him resilience. (他在一个破旧的社区长大,但这教会了他坚韧不拔。)

12. The dilapidated bridge could barely support the weight of a single car. (那座破旧的桥几乎无法承受一辆汽车的重量。)

13. They took shelter in a dilapidated hut during the storm. (暴风雨期间他们躲到了一座破败的小屋里。)

14. The dilapidated state of the school buildings prompted urgent renovation. (学校建筑的破旧状态促使了紧急的翻新工作。)

15. Despite the dilapidated furnishings, the old library held a wealth of knowledge. (尽管家具破旧,那个老图书馆却蕴藏着丰富的知识。)


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