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时间: 2024-09-20 06:37:53


Certainly! "Plenilune" is a somewhat rare word in English, meaning the time when the moon is full. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The lovers went for a walk during plenilune, enjoying the brightness of the full moon. (情侣们在满月时散步,享受着明亮的月光。)

2. The plenilune cast a magical glow over the quiet village, illuminating every corner. (满月在安静的村庄上投下了神奇的光辉,照亮了每一个角落。)

3. She always felt a special energy during plenilune nights, as if anything were possible. (她总是在满月之夜感到特别的能量,仿佛一切皆有可能。)

4. According to folklore, strange things happen during plenilune that don't occur at other times of the month. (根据民间传说,满月时会发生其他时间不会发生的奇怪事情。)

5. The werewolf transformation is said to occur only during plenilune. (据说狼人的变身只会在满月时发生。)

6. Artists often find inspiration in the beauty of plenilune. (艺术家常常从满月的美丽中汲取灵感。)

7. The plenilune bathed the landscape in a silvery light, creating an ethereal atmosphere. (满月用银白色的光辉洗礼了整个风景,营造出一种空灵的氛围。)

8. They planned their midnight rendezvous for plenilune, when secrecy was guaranteed by the brightness of the moon. (他们计划在满月时进行午夜约会,月光的明亮保证了秘密性。)

9. The sailors navigated carefully during plenilune, using the moon as their guide. (水手们在满月时小心航行,以月亮为向导。)

10. The plenilune revealed a hidden path through the woods that was invisible during the day. (满月揭示了白天看不见的树林中的一条隐藏小径。)

11. She liked to meditate outdoors during plenilune, feeling connected to the universe. (她喜欢在满月时户外冥想,感受与宇宙的联系。)

12. The ancient ritual was performed only during plenilune, under the watchful eyes of the elders. (古老的仪式只在满月时进行,在长者们的注视下进行。)

13. The garden took on a magical quality during plenilune, with flowers seeming to glow in the moonlight. (花园在满月时展现出神奇的品质,花朵仿佛在月光中发光。)

14. He wrote his most heartfelt poetry during plenilune, when emotions ran high. (他在满月时写下了他最为深情的诗歌,当时情感高涨。)

15. The village held a festival during plenilune to celebrate the harvest and the fullness of life. (村庄在满月时举行庆祝丰收和生命充实的节日。)


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