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时间: 2024-09-20 02:50:05


"luniform" 这个词可能是您打错了,如果您指的是 "uniform",那么这个词意为 "制服" 或者 "统一的"。

以下是关于 "uniform" 的例句及中文解释:

1. All students at the school wear the same uniform every day.

- 学校里所有学生每天穿着相同的制服。

2. The soldiers marched in their crisp military uniforms.

- 士兵们穿着整洁的军装在行进。

3. The company has a strict uniform policy for its employees.

- 公司对员工有严格的着装规定。

4. In some professions, wearing a uniform is mandatory.

- 在某些职业中,穿着制服是强制性的。

5. She liked the uniform because it made her feel part of a team.

- 她喜欢制服,因为这让她感觉自己是团队的一员。

6. The airline staff are easily recognizable in their distinctive uniforms.

- 航空公司的工作人员穿着独特的制服,很容易辨认。

7. The police officer's uniform commands respect.

- 警察的制服赢得了尊重。

8. Students are required to wear their uniforms during school hours.

- 学生在上学时间必须穿着校服。

9. The nurse wore a white uniform while on duty.

- 护士上班时穿着白色制服。

10. The delivery company has a uniform color scheme for all its vehicles.

- 这家快递公司的所有车辆都有统一的颜色配色方案。

11. The team won the championship in their new uniforms.

- 这支球队穿着新制服赢得了冠军。

12. The chef's uniform was splattered with flour.

- 厨师的制服上沾满了面粉。

13. The hotel staff wear uniforms that reflect the hotel's brand.

- 酒店员工穿着反映酒店品牌的制服。

14. The uniforms of the school are designed for both comfort and durability.

- 学校的制服设计既舒适又耐穿。

15. Firefighters wear specialized uniforms to protect them from heat and flames.

- 消防员穿着专门的制服以保护他们免受热量和火焰的伤害。

希望以上例句能帮助到您理解 "uniform" 这个词的用法和意义!

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