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时间: 2024-09-19 17:27:18



1. The eagle soared with majestic grace over the canyon.(鹰在峡谷上空优雅地翱翔。)

2. The Taj Mahal is a majestic monument to love and beauty.(泰姬陵是对爱与美的雄伟纪念。)

3. The mountains stood tall and majestic against the horizon.(山峰在地平线上高耸挺立,雄伟壮丽。)

4. The orchestra played a majestic symphony that filled the concert hall with grandeur.(管弦乐队演奏了一首雄伟的交响乐,让音乐厅充满了庄严气氛。)

5. The queen made a majestic entrance into the ballroom, commanding everyone's attention.(女王雄伟地步入舞厅,吸引了所有人的注意。)

6. The cathedral's spires reached toward the sky in a majestic display of Gothic architecture.(大教堂的尖塔向天空伸展,展示出哥特式建筑的雄伟气势。)

7. The whale surfaced in a majestic arc, spraying water into the air.(鲸鱼以雄伟的弧线浮出水面,向空中喷射水花。)

8. The ancient oak tree had a majestic presence in the center of the village square.(古老的橡树在村庄广场中央展现出雄伟的气息。)

9. As the sun set, the sky was painted with majestic hues of orange and pink.(太阳落山时,天空呈现出雄伟的橙色和粉色色调。)

10. The lion's mane added to its majestic appearance as it prowled through the grasslands.(狮子的鬃毛增添了它在草原上徜徉时的雄伟外表。)

11. The king addressed his subjects with a voice that resonated with majestic authority.(国王以充满雄伟权威的声音对臣民讲话。)

12. The waterfall cascaded down the cliffside in a majestic rush of water.(瀑布从悬崖一侧奔流而下,水流的雄伟声势令人叹为观止。)

13. The athlete's performance was described as a display of majestic skill and athleticism.(这位运动员的表现被称为雄伟的技艺和体育精神展示。)

14. The ship sailed into the harbor with a majestic sweep of its sails.(船只展开帆,在港口中雄伟地航行。)

15. The king's palace was a symbol of his majestic power and wealth.(国王的宫殿是他雄伟权力和财富的象征。)


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