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时间: 2024-09-20 03:01:57


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with the word "permanence," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The ancient pyramids stand as symbols of permanence in Egyptian history. (古代金字塔作为埃及历史上永恒的象征。)

2. Her commitment to environmental conservation reflects a desire for permanence in protecting the Earth. (她对环境保护的承诺反映了保护地球的永恒愿望。)

3. The artist sought to capture the fleeting beauty of nature amidst the backdrop of human quest for permanence. (艺术家试图在人类追求永恒的背景下捕捉大自然的瞬息美丽。)

4. The concept of love often revolves around the idea of finding permanence in a relationship. (爱情的概念常围绕在寻找关系中的永恒这一想法。)

5. The company's success was attributed to its ability to adapt while maintaining a sense of permanence in its core values. (公司的成功归因于它在保持核心价值观的同时适应变化的能力。)

6. Many ancient civilizations erected monuments to signify the permanence of their cultural achievements. (许多古代文明建造纪念碑以象征其文化成就的永恒。)

7. In a world of rapid change, finding a sense of permanence can be challenging. (在快速变化的世界中,找到永恒的感觉可能是具有挑战性的。)

8. The artist's work explores themes of impermanence and permanence through contrasting images. (艺术家的作品通过对比图像探索无常和永恒的主题。)

9. Despite the impermanence of life, people often seek moments of permanence through meaningful experiences. (尽管生命是无常的,人们经常通过有意义的经历寻找永恒的时刻。)

10. The architect's design aimed to blend modernity with a sense of historical permanence. (建筑师的设计旨在将现代性与历史永恒感融合在一起。)

11. Family traditions provide a sense of continuity and permanence across generations. (家庭传统为不同世代提供了连续性和永恒的感觉。)

12. The philosopher contemplated the nature of time and its relationship to human perceptions of permanence. (哲学家思考时间的本质及其与人类对永恒的感知的关系。)

13. The quest for spiritual permanence led her to explore various religious practices. (对精神永恒的追求引导她探索了各种宗教实践。)

14. The monument was built to commemorate the nation's commitment to freedom and permanence. (纪念碑建立以纪念国家对自由和永恒的承诺。)

15. His faith in the enduring power of love gave him a sense of inner permanence. (他对爱的持久力量的信仰给了他内在永恒感。)


上一个 【英语】majestic的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】immanent的例句



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