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时间: 2024-09-10 05:54:12



1. "He was consumed by nihilism, believing that life had no meaning or purpose."

- 他被虚无主义所吞噬,认为生活没有意义或目的。

2. "Her art was often criticized for its nihilism, portraying a bleak view of the world."

- 她的艺术经常因其虚无主义而受到批评,描绘了一个世界的黯淡景象。

3. "The novel explores themes of nihilism through its protagonist's existential crisis."

- 这部小说通过主人公的存在危机探讨了虚无主义的主题。

4. "His nihilism drove him to reject all moral principles and social conventions."

- 他的虚无主义驱使他拒绝所有道德原则和社会习俗。

5. "In Nietzsche's philosophy, nihilism represents a crisis of values and a questioning of all truths."

- 在尼采的哲学中,虚无主义代表价值观的危机和对所有真理的质疑。

6. "The play delves into the despair of nihilism, illustrating the characters' sense of futility."

- 这部戏剧深入探讨了虚无主义的绝望,展示了角色们的无助感。

7. "Modern art often reflects a sense of nihilism, challenging traditional forms and meanings."

- 现代艺术常常反映出一种虚无主义的感觉,挑战传统的形式和意义。

8. "Nihilism in politics can lead to apathy and a lack of belief in the possibility of change."

- 政治中的虚无主义可能导致冷漠和对改变可能性的缺乏信念。

9. "His nihilism extended to a rejection of all religious doctrines and spiritual values."

- 他的虚无主义扩展到了对所有宗教教条和精神价值的拒绝。

10. "The film explores the consequences of nihilism, showing how it can erode hope and purpose."

- 这部电影探讨了虚无主义的后果,展示了它如何侵蚀希望和目的感。

11. "Existential nihilism argues that life is without inherent meaning or purpose."

- 存在主义虚无主义认为生命没有固有的意义或目的。

12. "Her poetry reflects a deep-seated nihilism, expressing a profound disillusionment with the world."

- 她的诗歌反映出一种根深蒂固的虚无主义,表达了对世界的深刻幻灭。

13. "Nihilism can lead to a sense of emptiness and detachment from societal norms."

- 虚无主义可能导致一种空虚感和与社会规范的脱离。

14. "The philosopher's writings are often cited as a critique of nihilism in contemporary thought."

- 这位哲学家的著作经常被引用为对当代思想中虚无主义的批判。

15. "Some view existential nihilism as liberating, freeing individuals from imposed values."

- 一些人将存在主义虚无主义视为一种解放,使个体摆脱了被强加的价值观。


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