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时间: 2024-09-17 13:39:45


Certainly! "Noctambulate" means to walk at night; here are 15 example sentences along with their Chinese translations:

1. She loved to noctambulate along the beach, finding peace in the solitude of the night. (她喜欢在海滩上夜间漫步,享受夜晚的宁静。)

2. The city streets were empty as he chose to noctambulate through the sleeping neighborhoods. (城市街道空无一人,他选择在安睡的社区间夜游。)

3. Sometimes, noctambulating helps clear my mind before bedtime. (有时在睡前夜行有助于我放松思绪。)

4. Despite the late hour, she decided to noctambulate through the park, enjoying the cool breeze. (尽管时间已晚,她决定在公园中夜行,享受凉爽的微风。)

5. He often found inspiration while noctambulating under the starlit sky. (他经常在星光璀璨的夜空下漫步时找到灵感。)

6. The noctambulating cat prowled silently through the garden. (夜行的猫在花园里悄无声息地徘徊。)

7. The writer's best ideas often came to him while he was noctambulating. (作家常常在夜行时得到最好的创意。)

8. Noctambulating through the old city, she felt transported to another era. (在古城中夜行,她感觉仿佛穿越到了另一个时代。)

9. He would often noctambulate along the riverbank to relax after a stressful day. (他经常在河岸边散步以放松一天的紧张情绪。)

10. The elderly couple enjoyed noctambulating hand in hand, reminiscing about their youth. (老年夫妇喜欢手牵手夜行,回忆起他们的青春时光。)

11. Noctambulating allowed her to reflect on her life and future plans. (夜间漫步使她得以反思自己的生活和未来计划。)

12. Despite the warnings, he continued to noctambulate through the dangerous part of town. (尽管有警告,他还是继续在城市危险地带夜行。)

13. They would often noctambulate together, discussing everything under the moonlit sky. (他们经常一起夜行,在月光下讨论各种话题。)

14. Noctambulating in unfamiliar cities was his way of discovering hidden gems. (在陌生的城市夜行是他发现隐藏宝藏的方式。)

15. The poet's noctambulations inspired verses filled with the mysteries of the night. (诗人的夜行激发了充满夜晚神秘感的诗句。)

These sentences illustrate different contexts in which "noctambulate" can be used, from personal reflection and relaxation to exploration and inspiration.

上一个 【英语】nihilism的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】pernoctation的例句



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