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时间: 2024-09-10 06:45:51



1. He was diagnosed with sensorineural otopathy, which caused gradual hearing loss over several years. (他被诊断为感音神经性耳病,导致几年内逐渐听力丧失。)

2. The patient's vertigo was attributed to labyrinthine otopathy. (患者的眩晕被归因于迷路性耳病。)

3. Conductive otopathy can often be treated with surgical intervention. (传导性耳病通常可以通过手术干预治疗。)

4. Bilateral otopathy led to significant balance problems for the elderly woman. (双侧耳病导致这位老妇人出现了明显的平衡问题。)

5. The otopathy affected her inner ear's ability to perceive sound. (这种耳病影响了她内耳感知声音的能力。)

6. His tinnitus was a symptom of the underlying otopathy. (他的耳鸣是潜在耳病的一个症状。)

7. The doctor explained that viral infections can sometimes trigger autoimmune otopathy. (医生解释说病毒感染有时会引发自身免疫性耳病。)

8. Chronic otopathy can lead to permanent hearing impairment if untreated. (如果不及时治疗,慢性耳病可能会导致永久的听力损伤。)

9. The child's developmental delay was linked to congenital otopathy. (这个孩子的发育延迟与先天性耳病有关。)

10. Age-related otopathy is common among the elderly population. (老年人群中常见年龄相关性耳病。)

11. Severe otopathy necessitated cochlear implant surgery. (严重的耳病需要进行耳蜗植入手术。)

12. The otopathy diagnosis was confirmed after comprehensive audiological testing. (在全面的听觉测试后确认了耳病的诊断。)

13. She suffered from autoimmune inner ear disease, a type of otopathy affecting hearing function. (她患有自身免疫性内耳疾病,这是一种影响听力功能的耳病。)

14. The doctor prescribed medication to alleviate the symptoms of vestibular otopathy. (医生开了药物来缓解前庭耳病的症状。)

15. Surgical correction successfully treated the patient's conductive otopathy. (手术矫正成功治疗了患者的传导性耳病。)


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