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时间: 2024-09-17 13:50:08


Certainly! "Otitis" refers to inflammation of the ear and can be categorized into different types. Here are 15 sentences with their Chinese explanations:

1. Acute otitis media is a common childhood infection characterized by ear pain and fever. (急性中耳炎是一种常见的儿童感染,其特征是耳痛和发烧。)

2. Otitis externa is an infection of the outer ear canal often caused by bacteria or fungi. (外耳道炎是由细菌或真菌引起的外耳道感染。)

3. Chronic otitis media can lead to long-term hearing loss if not treated promptly. (慢性中耳炎如果不及时治疗,可能导致长期听力损失。)

4. Serous otitis media is characterized by fluid buildup in the middle ear without bacterial or viral infection. (浆液性中耳炎的特征是中耳内液体积聚,但没有细菌或病毒感染。)

5. Suppurative otitis media involves pus formation within the middle ear due to bacterial infection. (化脓性中耳炎是由细菌感染导致中耳内脓液形成。)

6. Otitis media with effusion occurs when fluid remains trapped in the middle ear after an infection has cleared. (中耳积液是指在感染清除后,液体仍然滞留在中耳内。)

7. Bilateral otitis media affects both ears simultaneously and requires careful management to prevent complications. (双侧中耳炎同时影响两只耳朵,需要谨慎管理以防并发症。)

8. Acute suppurative otitis media is a severe form of middle ear infection marked by intense pain and fever. (急性化脓性中耳炎是一种严重的中耳感染,其特征是剧烈的疼痛和发烧。)

9. Otitis media can sometimes lead to temporary hearing impairment until the infection resolves. (中耳炎有时会导致暂时的听力障碍,直到感染得到缓解。)

10. In severe cases, chronic otitis media may require surgical intervention to prevent complications. (在严重情况下,慢性中耳炎可能需要手术干预以预防并发症。)

11. Children with recurrent otitis media may benefit from ear tubes to reduce the frequency of infections. (反复发作中耳炎的儿童可能会受益于耳管,以减少感染的频率。)

12. Otitis media in infants often presents with irritability and pulling at the ears. (婴儿的中耳炎常表现为烦躁不安和抓耳朵。)

13. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat bacterial otitis media. (抗生素通常用于治疗细菌性中耳炎。)

14. Untreated otitis media can lead to complications such as mastoiditis or hearing loss. (未经治疗的中耳炎可能会导致乳突炎或听力损失等并发症。)

15. Preventive measures like avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke can reduce the risk of otitis media. (避免接触香烟烟雾等预防措施可以减少中耳炎的风险。)


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