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时间: 2024-09-20 11:04:22


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using the word "porpoise" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The porpoise leaped gracefully out of the water.

- 海豚优雅地跃出水面。

2. Scientists study the behavior of porpoises in the wild.

- 科学家们研究野生海豚的行为。

3. A group of porpoises swam alongside the boat.

- 一群海豚在船边游泳。

4. The children were thrilled to see a porpoise at the aquarium.

- 孩子们在水族馆看到海豚感到非常兴奋。

5. Conservation efforts aim to protect the habitat of porpoises.

- 保护工作旨在保护海豚的栖息地。

6. Porpoises communicate using clicks and whistles.

- 海豚用点击和哨声进行交流。

7. A curious porpoise approached the divers.

- 一只好奇的海豚靠近了潜水员。

8. The porpoise population has been declining due to pollution.

- 由于污染,海豚的数量正在减少。

9. It's rare to spot a porpoise in this part of the ocean.

- 在这片海洋的这个地方发现海豚是很罕见的。

10. The rescue team successfully returned the stranded porpoise to the sea.

- 救援队成功将搁浅的海豚放回海中。

11. Porpoises are known for their playful nature.

- 海豚以其好玩的天性而闻名。

12. Researchers are tracking the migration patterns of porpoises.

- 研究人员正在追踪海豚的迁徙模式。

13. Tourists enjoy watching porpoises swimming near the shore.

- 游客们喜欢看海豚在岸边游泳。

14. The porpoise surfaced briefly before diving again.

- 海豚在潜水之前短暂地浮出水面。

15. Local fishermen have formed alliances to protect porpoise habitats.

- 当地渔民已经结成联盟,保护海豚的栖息地。


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