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时间: 2024-09-20 12:01:56



1. I need to retouch this photograph before sending it to the client.

- 我需要对这张照片进行修饰,然后再发送给客户。

2. She spent hours retouching her makeup before the big event.

- 她在重要的活动前花了几个小时修饰她的化妆。

3. The artist decided to retouch the painting to bring out more colors.

- 这位艺术家决定对画作进行修饰,以使颜色更加鲜艳。

4. He asked the designer to retouch the logo for the new campaign.

- 他请设计师为新活动修饰一下logo。

5. After the initial edits, she went back to retouch the details of the manuscript.

- 在初步编辑之后,她又回去润色了手稿的细节。

6. The photographer used software to retouch the blemishes in the portrait.

- 摄影师使用软件修饰了肖像中的瑕疵。

7. Retouching old photos can restore them to their former glory.

- 修饰旧照片可以让它们恢复往日的辉煌。

8. The film director asked the editor to retouch the special effects for the final cut.

- 导演要求剪辑师在最终剪辑中修饰特效效果。

9. She learned how to retouch images during her photography course.

- 她在摄影课程中学会了如何修饰图片。

10. Before the magazine goes to print, the editor will retouch the images.

- 杂志印刷之前,编辑会修饰这些图片。

11. The jeweler needed to retouch the ring to make it look new again.

- 珠宝商需要对戒指进行修饰,让它看起来像新的一样。

12. The website designer had to retouch several graphics for the new site.

- 网站设计师需要为新网站修饰几个图形。

13. She was very careful to retouch her essay before submitting it.

- 她在提交论文之前非常仔细地进行润色。

14. To make the scene more dramatic, the director asked for some retouching in post-production.

- 为了让场景更加戏剧化,导演要求在后期制作中进行一些修饰。

15. He used a photo-editing app to retouch his vacation pictures.

- 他使用了一款照片编辑应用来修饰他的度假照片。


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