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时间: 2024-09-20 12:04:45


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "distrust" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She couldn't help but feel a sense of distrust towards him after discovering his lies. 她在发现他撒谎后,不由得对他产生了不信任感。

2. The political climate fostered an atmosphere of distrust among the citizens. 政治氛围在市民中间营造出一种不信任的气氛。

3. His constant evasiveness only fueled her distrust of his intentions. 他不断的含糊其词只是加深了她对他意图的不信任。

4. The team's lack of communication led to mutual distrust among its members. 团队成员之间缺乏沟通导致了彼此之间的不信任。

5. Years of betrayal had left him with a deep-seated distrust of authority. 多年的背叛使他对权威有着根深蒂固的不信任感。

6. Cultural differences often contribute to misunderstandings and distrust between nations. 文化差异常常导致国家之间的误解和不信任。

7. The scandal shook public trust in the government, leading to widespread distrust of its leaders. 这起丑闻动摇了公众对政府的信任,导致人们普遍对其领导人失去了信任。

8. Her past experiences had ingrained a general sense of distrust in all strangers. 她的过去经历使她对所有陌生人产生了普遍的不信任感。

9. The CEO's dishonest behavior created a culture of distrust within the company. CEO的不诚实行为在公司内部造成了一种不信任的文化。

10. His paranoid personality led him to constantly harbor feelings of distrust towards those around him. 他偏执的个性使他对周围的人经常怀有不信任感。

11. The negotiations stalled due to mutual distrust between the two parties. 由于双方的彼此不信任,谈判陷入了停滞。

12. The media's sensationalist reporting has contributed to a growing distrust of journalism among the public. 媒体的煽动性报道导致公众对新闻业越来越不信任。

13. Growing up in an abusive household left him with a profound distrust of intimate relationships. 在虐待的家庭中长大使他对亲密关系产生了深刻的不信任感。

14. Economic instability can breed distrust in financial institutions and markets. 经济不稳定会在金融机构和市场中培养出不信任感。

15. The lack of transparency in the organization's decision-making processes fueled employees' distrust in management. 组织决策过程缺乏透明度,加剧了员工对管理层的不信任感。


上一个 【英语】truism的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】entrust的例句



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