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时间: 2024-10-06 22:49:12


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "adjutant" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The colonel's adjutant organized the meeting schedule for the day. (上校的副官安排了当天的会议日程。)

2. The adjutant briefed the general on the latest intelligence reports. (副官向将军汇报了最新的情报报告。)

3. He served as the adjutant to the brigade commander during the operation. (他在行动期间担任旅指挥官的副官。)

4. The adjutant coordinated the logistics for the battalion's deployment. (副官协调了营的部署后勤。)

5. She was promoted to adjutant after demonstrating exceptional leadership skills. (她因表现出色而被提升为副官。)

6. The adjutant ensured that all orders were promptly communicated to the troops. (副官确保所有命令及时传达给部队。)

7. As the adjutant, his duties included maintaining personnel records. (作为副官,他的职责包括维护人员档案。)

8. The adjutant's office was located next to the commander's quarters. (副官办公室位于指挥官宿舍旁边。)

9. The adjutant reviewed the draft of the operational plan before presenting it to the general. (副官在向将军提出之前审查了作战计划草案。)

10. She was appointed as the adjutant to the chief of staff after completing her advanced training. (她完成高级培训后被任命为参谋长副官。)

11. The adjutant's role is crucial in maintaining communication between different units. (副官在维持不同单位之间的沟通中起着至关重要的作用。)

12. He served with distinction as the adjutant throughout the campaign. (他在整个战役中作为副官表现卓越。)

13. The adjutant relayed the commander's orders to the frontline units. (副官将指挥官的命令传达给前线部队。)

14. As the adjutant, he liaised with allied forces to coordinate joint operations. (作为副官,他与盟军协调联合行动。)

15. The adjutant's responsibilities extended beyond administrative tasks to include strategic planning. (副官的责任不仅限于行政任务,还包括战略规划。)


上一个 【英语】adipose的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】avant的例句



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