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时间: 2024-09-20 01:00:58


Certainly! "Anguish" 是 "angu" 的基础形式。这里有一些例句及其中文解释:

1. She cried out in anguish when she heard the news of her friend's accident. (当她听到朋友出事的消息时,她痛苦地哭了起来。)

2. The anguished cries of the injured animals echoed through the forest. (受伤动物的痛苦呼喊在森林中回荡。)

3. He felt a deep sense of anguish after the breakup. (分手后,他感到深深的痛苦。)

4. The anguish on her face was evident as she recounted the events of that day. (她脸上的痛苦显而易见,当她讲述那一天的事件时。)

5. The family's anguish over the loss of their home was palpable. (失去家园后,这家人的痛苦是明显的。)

6. He looked at her with anguish in his eyes, knowing he had disappointed her. (他眼中充满了痛苦,因为知道自己让她失望了。)

7. She wrote poems expressing her anguish over the war. (她写了诗表达她对战争的痛苦。)

8. The parents were in anguish while waiting for news of their missing child. (父母在焦急地等待着失踪孩子的消息。)

9. The anguish in his voice was heartbreaking to hear. (他声音中的痛苦让人心碎。)

10. Her anguished expression spoke volumes about her inner turmoil. (她痛苦的表情充分说明了她内心的煎熬。)

11. The movie depicted the anguish of families torn apart by war. (这部电影描绘了战争撕裂家庭的痛苦。)

12. Despite her anguish, she tried to remain strong for her children. (尽管她很痛苦,她试图为孩子们保持坚强。)

13. His anguished screams echoed in the empty hallway. (他痛苦的尖叫声在空荡荡的走廊中回响。)

14. The novel explores themes of love, loss, and anguish. (这部小说探讨了爱、失落和痛苦的主题。)

15. The painting captured the artist's own anguish over personal struggles. (这幅画捕捉到了艺术家在个人挣扎中的痛苦。)

希望这些例句能帮到你理解 "anguish" 这个词及其用法!

上一个 【英语】amenable的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】anguish的例句



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