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时间: 2024-10-06 18:56:22



1. His remarks were considered blasphemy by many religious leaders.

- 他的言论被许多宗教领袖认为是亵渎。

2. The book was banned for its blasphemy against established religious beliefs.

- 这本书因其对既有宗教信仰的亵渎而被禁。

3. Accusations of blasphemy can lead to severe consequences in some societies.

- 在一些社会中,亵渎的指控可能会导致严重的后果。

4. She was accused of blasphemy for questioning the religious traditions.

- 她因质疑宗教传统而被指控亵渎。

5. Blasphemy laws vary significantly from one country to another.

- 亵渎法律在不同国家之间差异很大。

6. In some cultures, blasphemy is a criminal offense punishable by law.

- 在一些文化中,亵渎是一种刑事罪,受到法律惩罚。

7. The play was criticized for its blasphemy and irreverent treatment of sacred symbols.

- 这部戏剧因其亵渎性和对神圣符号的不敬处理而受到批评。

8. Blasphemy against religious figures is a sensitive topic in many communities.

- 对宗教人物的亵渎在许多社区中都是一个敏感话题。

9. He faced threats after his speech was deemed blasphemy by the religious authorities.

- 他在演讲被宗教当局视为亵渎后面临了威胁。

10. The concept of blasphemy often intersects with freedom of speech debates.

- 亵渎的概念通常与言论自由的辩论交织在一起。

11. Blasphemy charges are often used to suppress dissenting opinions.

- 亵渎指控常被用来压制异议意见。

12. The artist's work was seen as a form of blasphemy by some religious groups.

- 该艺术家的作品被一些宗教团体视为一种亵渎行为。

13. Historical figures have been punished for committing acts of blasphemy.

- 历史人物因实施亵渎行为而遭受惩罚。

14. Blasphemy can provoke strong emotional reactions from believers.

- 亵渎可能引发信徒的强烈情绪反应。

15. Some view satire as a form of blasphemy, while others see it as a legitimate expression of criticism.

- 有些人认为讽刺是一种亵渎行为,而另一些人则视其为一种合法的批评表达方式。


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