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时间: 2024-10-06 20:58:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "blemish" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The mirror revealed a tiny blemish on the otherwise flawless surface. (镜子上显示出一处微小的瑕疵。)

2. The company's reputation suffered a serious blemish after the scandal. (公司在丑闻曝光后声誉受到了严重损害。)

3. Her flawless performance was marred by a single blemish in the final act. (她在最后一幕表演无懈可击,但却因为一个小小的瑕疵而受到影响。)

4. The antique vase had a small blemish that lowered its value. (这个古董花瓶有一个小小的瑕疵,降低了它的价值。)

5. The chef inspected each dish carefully to ensure there was no blemish in presentation. (厨师仔细检查每道菜肴,确保在呈现上没有任何瑕疵。)

6. His impeccable record was marred by a single blemish from his youth. (他一贯完美的记录因为年轻时的一个小小瑕疵而留下了污点。)

7. The report was almost flawless, save for a few minor blemishes in the conclusion. (报告几乎完美无缺,只是结论部分有几处小小的瑕疵。)

8. Despite her beauty, she felt insecure about the blemish on her cheek. (尽管她很美,但她对自己脸颊上的瑕疵感到不安。)

9. The painting was nearly perfect, except for a small blemish in the corner. (这幅画几乎完美无瑕,只是角落里有一处小小的瑕疵。)

10. His sterling reputation was tarnished by the unexpected blemish in his career. (他的高尚声誉因事业中意外出现的瑕疵而受到损害。)

11. The diamond had a slight blemish that was barely noticeable to the naked eye. (这颗钻石有一个轻微的瑕疵,肉眼几乎察觉不到。)

12. The novel was flawless except for a blemish in the plot that confused some readers. (这部小说几乎完美无缺,只是情节中的一个小小瑕疵让一些读者感到困惑。)

13. Despite her perfect academic record, she was anxious about any potential blemish on her transcript. (尽管她的学术记录完美无瑕,但她对成绩单上可能出现的任何瑕疵感到焦虑。)

14. The antique car had been restored to its former glory, with no visible blemish. (这辆古董汽车已经恢复到了昔日的辉煌,看不到任何明显的瑕疵。)

15. The hotel's impeccable service was marred by a single blemish during our stay. (酒店的服务几乎完美,但我们住宿期间发生了一次小小的瑕疵。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "blemish"!

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