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时间: 2024-10-06 22:43:31



1. His speech was full of bombast, but lacked any substance. (他的演讲充满了夸大之词,但缺乏实质内容。)

2. The politician's bombast was intended to impress the audience, but it came across as insincere. (政客的夸大之词意在给观众留下深刻印象,但显得不诚实。)

3. Don't be fooled by his bombast; he rarely follows through on his promises. (不要被他的夸夸其谈所欺骗,他很少兑现自己的承诺。)

4. The advertisement used bombast to exaggerate the product's benefits. (广告使用夸张之词来夸大产品的好处。)

5. Her bombastic style of writing alienated many readers who preferred a more straightforward approach. (她夸张的写作风格让许多读者望而却步,他们更喜欢更直接的表达方式。)

6. The CEO's bombast about the company's future prospects failed to convince investors. (公司首席执行官对公司未来前景的夸夸其谈未能说服投资者。)

7. He spoke with such bombast that his arguments lost all credibility. (他夸夸其谈地说话,使得他的论点失去了所有的可信度。)

8. The novel's bombastic prose overshadowed its otherwise compelling storyline. (小说中夸张的散文风格掩盖了其本来引人入胜的故事情节。)

9. His bombast was so over-the-top that even his supporters found it difficult to take him seriously. (他的夸张言辞如此过分,以至于连他的支持者也很难认真对待他。)

10. The coach's bombastic halftime speech fired up the team, leading to an unexpected comeback. (教练在中场休息时的夸夸其谈的演讲激励了球队,导致了意外的逆转。)

11. The critic dismissed the film as bombastic and lacking emotional depth. (评论家认为这部电影过于夸张,并且缺乏情感深度。)

12. His bombast concealed a deep insecurity about his own abilities. (他的夸张言辞掩盖了对自己能力的深刻不安。)

13. The candidate's bombast during the debate failed to sway undecided voters. (候选人在辩论中的夸夸其谈未能动摇那些未决选民的立场。)

14. The lecturer's bombastic delivery style distracted from the clarity of the information being presented. (讲师夸夸其谈的授课风格让信息的清晰度受到了干扰。)

15. She dismissed his bombast with a simple, straightforward rebuttal. (她用简单明了的反驳轻松驳斥了他的夸夸其谈。)


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